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PLEASE START HERE: Sewing a harvest

Updated: May 18, 2021

Thank you for stopping by.  I am humbled and honored that you would take time from your busy day to visit this site.

The purpose of this blog is to deliver messages from the father, give guidance to those who may need it to avoid the same mistakes I made and to encourage the broken hearted.  Time is short.  The signs are all around.  Prayerfully consider all that is here.

Thirty five years ago I fell in love with the end times and prophecy.  Looking back on it now, it is clear God planted that seed within me.  As a child, he had his hand on me from the beginning.  Satan also knew his plans for me and has planted evil into my life from childhood in order to take me down a road God has not appointed for me to travel  There were many trials and tribulations over the years.  Very hard lessons learned, loss of very close family members, including whom I considered my rocks and go to spouse and my dad.  

Left in the wreckage two very broken teenage children and waters unchartered.  Then, there was the matter of my own brokenness.  There was a period of time when I lost every relationship, my job, health and horseback riding, all savings, retirement and almost financial ruin.  Sitting in a seeker friendly church through all of this asking God WHY?  Backslid and did not even know it!!!  God had no choice but to allow the loss of almost everything (except for my home) AND flip me on my back.  It was only then, finally..........he had my full attention.  Boy did he ever have it!!!  In retrospect, everything he took from me, I had put before him, my personal idols which also included social media.

Lesson:  One does not have to be as stubborn, prideful or pray only when one needs God as a last resort.  When one hits bottom, the only place to go is up.   Sometimes one must come to the end of oneself before recognizing the condition of ones soul.

He even grounded me for three months which meant going to the bathroom, a shower on a stool and getting something to eat, quickly.   That was 2014.   No church, he removed me from the seeker friendly church to being alone with him and an insatiable hunger that could only be satisfied by God. 

Finally, progress was being made.  The holy spirit started teaching me during that time because he had my full attention.   He literally directed me to every gifted preacher and teacher out there he wanted me to learn from.  Some were so far out, I thought, no way, you are crazy God!!!  What is this?!  In his still quiet voice he would say, hang in there, listen and learn.   I have been drinking from a firehose since and it has been awesome, but not without vicious attacks from the enemy through people now close to me.  (Always trying to derail God's plan)

Two years ago I started seeking the Lord diligently for his gifts.  I had no idea what he had in store for me, really still do not.  Maybe if I knew, I would not do it.  This is a huge step for me and something he called me to start over a year ago.  He wants me to share my lessons and his warnings.  Now we come to the matter of who am I?  With respect for my family, friends and old church, I cannot do both.  If I share specifics to teach you, well, that would mean naming relationships and airing out family business for all to read which I would never do.  If you can respect that, then you belong here. 

Lesson:  God is Good, cliché', yes!  He really is Good!  God is sovereign, holy, righteous, fair, never lies, never causes harm, he loves you and me more than anyone on earth ever could or would.  He has only the best plans for you.   If your life is hard, cruddy and full of problems, look in the mirror and ask that person what their part is in their mess and advise them to give it all to God, all the ugly and he will give you his son in return.  What a deal!!!

We fight a spiritual battle, we are fighting here on earth for our souls and an afterlife with God our Father and Jesus.  Times are darker than ever, it is time to dig in more than ever!!!  How?  Read your bible, my favorites, King James version and the amplified bible.  Pray every day.  Who cares what you sound like, it is a fragrance to God and precious in his site.  Find a solid bible preaching church.  If they do not teach holiness, righteousness, the importance of the blood of Jesus, deliverance and repentance from sin, I am sorry to say, your church has been captured by the enemy.    When you do these things, you will start hearing God.  He will direct your paths, even find good solid teachers online.  (recommendations coming soon)

All I ask from you, no put downs, hate speech or arguing.  I will not tolerate any of it and you will be blocked from this site.

May I offer a prayer for you as a thank you for stopping by?

Dear Heavenly Father. We thank you for allowing us to come to your throne room day or night. This person stopped by for a reason. They are looking for you, your answers and to hear your voice. Please bless this person's effort in their search for you. Give them an ongoing insatiable hunger for you. Guard their hearts and minds from all deception. Teach them to judge themselves first. If not, please correct them as needed so they are ready for your return or their death.

Thank you for all you have provided, for all that they love and for all that you are going to do for them. Please show their hidden faults. Help them to put others before themselves. Allow them to see people as you do and to love them as you do and to look past the demons that influence them. Place a love for you in their hearts which they have not yet known. Please remind them of what they can do for you. How they can serve your Kingdom and their purpose. Give them the courage to do so.

In the name of Jesus I rebuke and bind every spirit not of the holy spirit.  I rebuke and bind your strongman in Jesus name!  May the King of the universe cover you with the blood of his son Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  May angels surround you  and everything you love shoulder to shoulder with flaming swords so no evil penetrates, May you be surrounded by holy spirit fire Zechariah  2:5  just like he surrounded Job with and finally may you be surrounded with a broad thorny hedge of protection from the center of the earth to God's throne room.  In Jesus name-Amen 

You say, "I receive it"

Go in peace........ until next time, God Bless you.

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