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Prohetic words from our heavenly father. Acts 17:11 Be a good student, examine the Scriptures every day, the words given in this blog, to see if it is true. Prayerfully consider these words. 

God is not going to negotiate his holiness in order to accommodate us. R.C. Sproul 

This nation is wicked.  What is down is up.  What is up is down.  All that goes against nature and my design for mankind has been perverted in every way.  Woe, woe, woe to the people of the United States of America.  They love their sin and dark lifestyles more than me.  Why?!  Do you understand there are only two ends to your story?  Heaven & Hell.  There is no purgatory or place to give you a second chance..  NO!!!  This is it!!!  This is your proving ground.  Pass or Fail.

Seek me while I still can be found.  Be faithful even unto death.  My love for you is great, piercing, warm and comforting.  Does your sin give you that?  Does your sin forgive you when you have wronged someone or you are sorry?  

Please, please, please I implore you.  Hell is full of fools who thought they had more time.  Who did not believe in me or hell, but, now they are there.

Your beliefs do not affect me or my law.  Read my book.  All your answers are there.  Seek me, I will meet you wherever you call me from.  Come, sit with me awhile, lets break bread together.  I am a great listener.  I gave it all for you because you, my love, you are worth it.  What has darkness given you?  I will teach you my ways, trust me.  I do not lie.  I stand at the door of each man's heart and I knock.

Yes, my ways are holy, I am a holy God. I do not allow evil into my kingdom, that is why I call it heaven.

Will you join me?

Love Jesus

Acts 17:11 Be a good student, examine the Scriptures every day, the words given in this blog, to see if it is true.  Prayerfully consider these words.

Revelation 2:11

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