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The Bride

Prohetic words from our heavenly father. Acts 17:11 Be a good student, examine the Scriptures every day, the words given in this blog, to see if it is true. Prayerfully consider these words.

Daughter speak these words. Time is up for many.   I come this day for my flock. Who will be truly ready? Who will be cast into outer darkness. Daughter of Zion, speak my words. I have apathy for the wicked. I tire of their ways and ugliness. No more will they operate in darkness. I forbid it. 

My Son comes quickly for his bride, then, Satan has but a very short window of time.  Those left behind will experience my wrath, yes those foolish virgins who relished in their sins will now suffer for their folly and witness my wrath upon the wicked ones.  That is your path should you continue in your folly. What do you say? 

My warnings are ending soon. My bride is safely in her chambers awaiting my return. She already knows what is coming and she has trimmed her wicks and filled her lamps with oil. The oil I speak of is the fullness of me, my Holy Spirit. They seek me and they find me.

It is not my wish that any man should perish, but I have to uphold My own laws. I gifted you, mankind with free will and free will you shall have.

Peace be still to my lovely bride, come sup with me a while and I will fill you with my goodness for the times ahead. Greater things ye shall do in the coming seasons.

For the wicked and unwise virgins there will be no peace or safety, only destruction, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Come to me while you are still alive in this world. For there is no redemption in the coming Kingdom for you.

This is it, this is your test. Choose me or choose a devil there is no Gray.

The first life changing event is in view now.  I have assigned and moved my people accordingly. The wicked are drawn to my places of judgment for their appointed time of destruction.

Pray for mercy, pray for the lost, pray to lessen my judgment upon the wicked, pray for their salvation. I need you (my bride) to operate in your free will to move my Kingdom into position for the sake of all your brothers and sisters. Learn and study the keys to my Kingdom and I will reveal these mysteries to you.

Love Yeshua

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