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Only the beginning

Prohetic words from our heavenly father. Acts 17:11 Be a good student, examine the Scriptures every day, the words given in this blog, to see if it is true. Prayerfully consider these words. 

 September 18, 2018,

Many are suffering at the hand of the enemy. I have allowed this through my judgment. This is the beginning. Only the beginning. They will come faster and harder. North Carolina is nothing compared to what's coming.

(At this point I asked the Lord  a question.)  Will prayer help? Answer: yes in some cases it may lessen my judgment, not by much. Because you are a stiff necked people. 

My Kingdom comes quickly. I come for my people quickly. We shall dine and celebrate at the wedding supper while my father's wrath comes upon the Earth.  Once my father's wrath is complete, we will ride back to Earth, we will conquer the enemy and rule Reign for 1000 years. 

Many ask what, when and where my judgments will be. I say, I protect my own, I wish my people to be about my father's business, not my judgments. 10, 000 will fall by your side, you my bride are still standing. She stands because she is mine and she is protected. The harvest is ripe, the workers are few. Tell them about me, my goodness, my love. I am a just and righteous father.

Love yeshua

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