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A prayer for the followers of Jesus

Father, forgive us, we know not what we do!!! We do not understand the eternal effects of even the smallest compromises to us, yet defile our purity in your eyes. We do not always recognize sin as sin. Quicken our hearts and minds. Refine us in ways we can learn rather than feel like we are drowning. In the name of ⁰Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I call down extra measures of wisdom and discernment upon your remnant, upon the people who visit this board and upon those who are closest to us so our focus can remain on you and your work rather than family distractions. Lord bind us together safely and securely under the shelter of your wings. Test us oh Lord, but, do not allow our cords of safety to detach from you.....teach us, keep us.....impart supernatural wisdom to help your lost little ones, to bring them to a saving grace. Protect us from the wicked one oh Lord unless our salvation rides on it, then teach us, give us grace to learn quickly and draw nearer to you and in right relationship with you. in Jesus name Amen!!! 

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