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Love is my greatest commandment

Given 7-5-18. Do you show my love in your Relationships? A message to the men.

In Christianity the men are the head of the household. They answer to God for the household. They are the priest of the home. There is no higher authority than that. If a man is walking with God, the way he intends, then all these things fall into place so perfectly. Please join me in a holy ghost message regarding conduct and authority in the home.

A message for the men:

Men you are the gateway into your homes. The priests and spiritual leaders. Deuteronomy 7:25-26

When you allow sin into your lives, you provide a gateway of hell into your home. Do you not see the petty bickering between you and your wives? Your disobedient children?

Mighty man of God what do you expect?

Do you want peace in your homes? Then follow me. Put me first in all you do. Put away your idols. Anything before me is your idle. Seek me first and I will abide in you and you and me. Come sup with me a while. Restore your weary souls. You will need this to finish the race. In the days to come your family's survival greatly depends on you. Choose this day whom you will serve. My yoke is easy my burden is light.

Lead your families by example. Set new rules and customs in your homes. Make your change so radical, they cannot help but notice.

Anger: Men, your anger enrages your wives and your children. How do you expect to lead with anger? They withdraw from you? Do you ever notice?

Singles: Singles your anger must be in check before marriage. Lead my way and your Marriage will always be blessed by me.

Men, Concerning your wives and children: I have created order. I am the God of order. You are out of order, so are your family's. You are being watched by all. Young men, coworkers, mom, dad, girlfriends, wives and your own children. Men when you are obedient to me, your wives fall in to you. They need your covering, just like you need mine. If you do not provide this spiritual covering for your wives and children, the enemy will come to them with answers. He will speak lies and truth (about who you are when no one's around). Men do not go down any road but mine. Any other road leads to destruction. (divorce broken families adultery disobedient children, backsliding). Men it is easier to keep you families than to try to regain them after your stupid folly.

Trust me. Follow me. Obey me. Make yourselves men of trust. Your family needs rocks on Earth. I gave them to you to care for, to love and yes, to love you back.

Is it worth the risk of losing your idols?

I gave them( wives and children) to you. I answered those secret prayers, those desires and wants. They are there for your fulfillment because you asked for them.

So will you follow me to the very end?

Men love is not a weakness. Love is a gift for me. Do you not see it all around you? I created love, even the animals care and love one another. There is no greater love than one that dies for another. Just like my son!!!

Hate is weakness. Anger as weakness. Rage is weakness. Adultery and fornication: weakness.

I gave (relationships) it liberally. Pray for my heart towards your fellow man (wives and children are also your fellow man). Pray for a greater love toward me. Some of you do not know me or love me as you should. Is OK, because you are here. Today is the day your life changes. Ask for more. Ask me. I will show you many mysteries about me. Seek me with an insatiable hunger. I see your heart, I reward your efforts.

Lastly my love is great for you. I gave you free will to love me back. Choose honor and goodness. Be obedient my laws.

Love is my greatest commandment. My word is my love letter to my people. One must die to self and pick up your cross and follow me.

It is my desire to say to you well done my good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of the Lord, because I know you. You know me.

Will you follow me to the very end?

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