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Things aren't as they seem

July 5th 2019

This is not a prophecy, this is a conglomeration of thoughts, the holy spirit and very solid teachers. I am hoping that maybe it will help someone with their perspective on things, to reconsider past instruction.

I am no one special, just another human being, saved by the most gracious God and trying to make sense of all that we live through on a daily basis. These are things that maybe someone else can relate to.

As for myself, I loved God as a child and wanted to learn more. Satan had his plans for me as well. My bestie as a child through Jr. High was evil. For example, we played with her ouju board and did seances every weekend. My parents did not go to church. They were unequally yoked, so the answer was catechism, no church, no God. God's pull on my heart was so much stronger. My sin life did not stop God from giving me a very strong interest in the last days as a young adult. (This is how I met my late husband.) Bless his heart, I learned a ton from him which took several years to activate within myself and unfortunately, never at his level. Nonetheless, we discussed prophecy and the word constantly. Especially as things evolved in our daily lives. We thought cell phones and UPC codes were the mark of the beast. Good for a chuckle now. I digress.

Humanity expects the messages/events that God is showing us to be something it is not. Impossible to understand on this side if eternity. Look at 1Corinthians 8:2, (right here in black and white!!!) Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn’t really know very much.

The last days (which we are living right now, July 5th 2019) are really for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Please do not think one human being on this planet is at a disadvantage. God placed his spirit in all of us at conception. In Jeremiah ch1 v5 we read that the Lord said to Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you.” We all have that God hole. He gave each person free will to choose God or Satan and his playground. Hebrews 10: 16-17 states :16 “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord:I will put my laws on their hearts,and write them on their minds,”17 then he adds,“I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.”

One does not even have to be a believer to see that there something wrong. There has to be a resignation in one's heart to realize this life is a war between good and evil. The deception and lies one constantly sifts through is unfathomable. No wonder many shut down and there is so much churn and strife within our brainwashed society.

"My favorite self made quote: a person is only as intelligent as their own educator." This came during my own reeducation process as the holy spirit guided me to truth. The other key: One must also be teachable.

Who is to say our education is valid, truthful or even real? Every person can come back with something they have been fooled by. Some things are small some things are very big it just depends on ones belief system, past experience and ones education. Some of these things we consider being duped on are very controversial amoung public opinion, even when the facts are displayed for all to see.

Let's talk about 911 that's a big one. Everyone has an opinion about it, but facts are facts and the truth always outweighs the narrative. However one must choose to dig deeper and understand these things. Why do they matter? Why bother? Knowledge and truth are power. Satan knows this.

One of the biggest problems facing our society today is the fact that information, as easy as it is to get to, is very difficult to find. Vetting information takes time. Americans are stupid busy. Work, children, homework, family time , spouse time me time. God time.

There's just so much out there these days and it is so frustrating to try and get to the truth. Many give up due to time constraints. (Please rethink TV time. Is TV that inportant)?

Our world has become comparmentilized, even though knowledge is shared at the touch of a key. We have digressed to snail mail learning with an attention span of a 2 year old. Now keep in mind the Bible says God will send out a strong delusion. This seems to be what we are living under in this time period, a strong delusion. Many are given over to false narratives, and they believe anything. The devil likes to divide and conquer. Try attending a family reunion. There is no unity. Everyone has a different opinion. How many arguments start over a controversial subject like 911 for example?

Hopefully, one will now be reminded how divided and diluted the people of this nation are, sadly, even the church. This is where we stand America. Divided, no God and falling.

Let's get on to the good stuff. Starting in 2015 the blood moons kicked off events in the sun, moon and stars. We had the bethleham star we had the woman giving birth constellation back in 2017. Several eclipses and blood moons overwelmingly, mathematically impossible. In otherwords, God sent.

Earth is groaning, with thousands of earthquakes and sink holes, which seem unexplainable. Around the world 40+ active volcanoes. The ring of fire is waking up. Mass animal die offs, Google it (if they do not hide it, one cannot even trust Google anymore). Mass insect die offs. Dead zones in the Pacific Ocean. Mathew 25 says there will be signs in the Sun in the moon and in the stars, seas roaring... we have earthquakes which are increasing and now all with the flooding in the midwest it appears famine has started in the United States, 14 states flooded, still. There is famine all over the world. But now it's starting in the United States. This close to home, everyone will be affected. Yes, America is in trouble. The bible says famine is going to happen.

America cannot be wicked and skip judgement. God has been warning America to repent, and because America has refused to repent, now America is under judgment. And since people have ignored the judgments that have already come forth, the judgements are coming quicker and harsher. Sorry, America will NOT be great ever again. This is not how it God works. If he allows Americans to continue in their evil, he would owe an apology to Sodom and Gomora.

Please take notice. God works quietly but he also works loudly (a bit of an oxymoron). This is dependent on where one's walk is with God. To his remnant believers/followers they see this loud and clear. Another day closer to the king coming back to get his bride, so little time to convince the lost Jesus is coming very very soon. Some of the church sees this, but, only a small percentage. Many non believers see this, but, they have nothing to benchmark it to.

Did you know the old testament is the new testament revealed and the new testament is the old testament concealed?

Everything in the bible is true, but, not everything true is in the bible. (Quote Tribulation now radio)

Look outside your box. Pray! Ask the holy spirit to lead.

The point to all this. God is working, he is moving and showing great great love and mercy to a wicked generation. (equal to the most rebellious teenager, full of hate and serving Satan). If one is not serving God, they are serving Satan. Silence is choosing Satan. One cannot serve two masters. The bible says the heart is deceitfully wicked, who can know it. Not one human being is good. Please do not lie to yourself and say you are a good person. The only thing that makes you good is accepting the gift of salvation through Jesus. God sees Jesus when he sees those who are covered by Jesus through salvation. There will be no excuses at judgment. God will rewind every time you rejected his son. Then say depart from me, I never knew you.

This generation is winding down to a close, then God creates a new heaven and earth. We still have a little time left.

What can one do? Accept Jesus as your Lord and savior, say your sorry, then live a life pleasing to God, not Satan. Study his word so you know how to live, pray and walk your life out in intimacy with Jesus. One never wants to hear depart from me I never knew you.

How do you get to know someone? Do the same thing with Jesus. Before you know it, you will hear his voice, he will guide you through the rest of this time we have left.

Repent, means change direction, stop it!!! Whatever it is! Say you are sorry when you mess up, just like one would to a family member. Do not willfully, habitually sin, stop it!!! One cannot use grace as an excuse to sin, ever!!! How long would your spouse put up with a cheater? Ok, there it is.

We are in the last days, probably tribulation or time of sorrows, not great tribulation yet. All who are alive and remain will face some tribulation. Sorry if your pastor says something else, he is ill informed. During the tribulation, between the six and seventh seal is one of the rescue missions. (The rapture of the church). There may be other raptures. Study the word. Ask God to show you.

The first thing that comes out of a believer's mouth when one talks about tribulation is that God's people are not subject to his wrath. That is very true they are not, but there is time a sorrows, there's tribulation, and there is great tribulation. We as followers of Jesus face all that, ex pet for wrath. The only way you're going to find these things is if you study his word.

Gods wrath is reserved for the non believers. You do not want to be here for that!!! Also, Gods people will experience a lot of ugly before he comes. Do not let that shake your faith. One may think the servant above his master? No!

We have a lot more judgments coming. Do not pray against God's judgments. We need this to change humanity. Wake them, shake them off their phones.

Buckle up, pray for the lost. May God bless you and keep you.

Hope this helps you, blesses you and taught you something new.

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