Recieved March 12, 2020
Daughter, speak my words from the mountain tops.
My children there is no fear in me. Why do you fear? Trust me. Knowledge is power my children. Do you know my word? If you truly know me, the only fear you would have would be of me. The one who can destroy flesh and soul.
Now is the time to seek me. Seek me in preparation of the things to come. If you cannot handle this small thing, how will you handle the rest? I am so disappointed. You have Had your entire lives to get to know me, to prepare, feel safe in me. But you choose idols over me. This is all you my children. (what is happening now)
If you refuse to accept responsibility for this, how do you plan to step into my saving grace? How will you trust me in the coming storms?
Repent all ye children of the world, for your redemption is nearer today. Repent ye rebels, repent ye wicked ones, for your eternity is damnation, not ruling with the devil 24 X 7 & parties as he tells you.
If my people who are called by my name would get on their knees and seek my face, I would redeem you, hear your prayers and give you grace to stand. You are my witnesses. Why do you hide? Heal the sick, do not run from them.
Do not be deceived by the fear your news pumps 24X7. Be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove. For you now enter perilous times my children. The enemy wishes to destroy your witness and destroy you. Some have not taken your mantles. Why? Fear, commitment, time?
Now is the time to answer my call. Finish your preparations. There will be many shortages. But, you will find ourselves not missing much. The enemy will only run out of things he wants you to lack. You will find it easy to obtain the things he wants in your homes. This is all a drill of compliance from the enemy. He is testing the weaknesses and strengths of humanity. He will find himself very wrong about my creation and way. I placed man above Lucifer when he was my cherub.
Repent, go and sin no more. I cannot reveal any Kingdom mysteries or secrets during this time of testing. For the enemy also looks for word from me. He will not get it. ( So, what this means, if someone else has prophesied in details his plans, is from the enemy. If God says hes not gonna reveal details hes not going to. Trust that.)
My children, the holy ghost will guide you in all things. Listen to the promptings, leading and obey, you're very physical lives may depend on it.
Love Jesus,
Yeshua Hamashiach ( the messiah, savior)
Call upon me day or night, I am but a whisper away.
Proverbs 8:2-17, 22:17-20
Roman 6:3-11
Exodus 3:11-17