Power and might- This is what I send to my people in the last days. My Kingdom is coming, my will to be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. Are you coming or will you be found wanting like most of them?
There will be no excuses. I reach out to all. Many times. If you continue to reject me, I will hand you over to your own flesh for destruction. I will not have sin ruling in the Kingdom to come. I will not have cowards leading my Kingdom places.
The time is now!!!
I come quickly to save the remaining few. We will dine during the wrath of my father.
My children, do not lose faith, do not give up. I do not instill quitters to lead my Kingdom. Yes, This is a test. You will all and are being tested for Kingdom position and reward.
If you visit me in The Secret place, I will show you what you are fighting for. Surrender all to me my children. Do not hold back. My rewards are with me. I prepare a place for you in the coming Kingdom. Great love, peace and beauty await you my people, my doves, my love's. I send Your hearts Peace & Love from the father. Rest in it, for the battle comes to your very doorstep. Are you ready?
A foolish man thinks he has more time. A frugal man prepares for all and trusts me for the rest.
Be wise with your final few days of peace. As everything I have planned will be unleashed. It will feel like it piles up rather than moments to catch a breath. You ask why??
It is written and it must be. You are a stiff necked generation, worse than those who wandered in the wilderness with Moses.
Prepare for battle my children. Fear nothing, man nor spirit. I am with you. I overcame hell, death and the grave for you. So you can do it to.
Words of wisdom - Stay quiet, live in peace, hide in my shelter under my wings, pray for the lost, pray to strengthen your weak, faithless brothers and sisters.
Lo I am with you always, even into the end of the world.
Matthew 22:16-22
Proverbs 3:16-26
Colossians 3-10-11
Genesis 1:26-28
Romans 3:5-24
A message for my people and the bride
Updated: Jul 5, 2020