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Blog-A few comments, plus, did you know this?

Writer's picture: warningfromabovewarningfromabove

Updated: Jan 30, 2024

Hello everyone,

Allow me to preface this by saying I am not an expert or scholar. My experience has been from Holy Spirit led encounters with amazing Men and Women of GOD. They are why I stand today. They have been bold enough to teach the truth and encourage me to search the scriptures for the truth, not accept the pulpit word salad many of us foolishly sat through week after week.

I also study outside the protestant 66 book cannon. (66, really?! That is a statement! Yet when I bring it up to other brothers or sisters they shrug their shoulders as though 66 books is no big deal). 66 books is not being brought to anyones attention because I don't believe the 66 cannon, nope, its because I know imperative information is hidden outside the 66 book cannon bible, which thwarts our understanding of GOD and affects our faith and walk. 66 is a signature my friend. A mark!

What I have found over the years are people who have blind faith, while others need more because of their curious nature or are evidence driven. We all fall somewhere in that mix. I also believe some have a higher calling and knowledge is part of that.

Always remember, whatever you do know, know that humanity has only scratched the surface.

1 Corinthians 8:2

And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.

With that said, you may find this interesting in light of what has been taking place in our world or throughout your own lives. Like you, over many years of church behind me, I often wondered why "they" said that? Why did "they" not read the entire passage? How did "they" get that when the passage says this? I am beginning to believe a lot of that comes from their schooling, what someone told them or the commentaries we all have access too.

Have you ever tried to speak to your pastor or church elders about specific scriptures and been stonewalled? Do you find they are unwilling to move or refuse to reconsider what man has taught them? Or that they give you some confusing answer which is not backed up with scriptures? Only to fnd later it was a diversion tactic? This is why it is so important to allow the Holy Spirit to lead your life. If you pray for those confirmations, in your mind, then you KNOW it is of GOD. The enemy cannot read your minds! Only observe your actions.  As I have mentioned many times, everyone will be reached personally. God treats you as an individual, not a congregation. Annnnnnnd ....that journey is outstanding!!!

One of my favorite "church" moments, and I have seen many....(being sarcastic for a moment, this frustrates me to this day) is sitting at a " bible" study with about 200 years of experience at that table and watching them refuse to help a struggling young believer with a major life struggle. They shut her down and continued on with the bible study. I said 200 Years of marriage experience and none of you can offer her help? They shut me down too. After that study was over, not one of them talked to her after the meeting. They were much older than I. So, I waited. I felt underequipped. (I'm not sharing this because I want a pat on the back, not a limelight kind of person). Anyway, I chased her out to her car. I asked her to tell me about it, I prayed with her, offered her some Holy Spirit advice, then I called her, texted her daily etc. I believe my actions that day and over time saved her marriage. Don't let someone walk out the door like that. Come along side them, prop them up until they can stand. You know, you might need that one day yourselves. This was about 5 years ago. This woman and her husband are pillars in our church. Her husband started coming about a year after her cry for help. You never know the impact of what a little bit of your time will do. Even when you don't feel you can offer them the solution. When two ro three are gathered...there GOD is!!! He offers the solutions, I was just HIS mouthpiece and vessel for her. I have been fortunate enough to watch the results of that day. As you all seasoned brothers and sisters know....that is a rare situation.

Moving on to another topic.....when one searches out Bible history, it will not take long to find that many false religions and cults were created during the 1800's.. (Not sure what was going on back then. I would love to hear if you have time to comment on this)

I have also found during 1800's, the apocrypha, dead sea scrolls and many ancient books were deemed heresy… How is that correct? They survived 1800 years and someone decides they are all false? This get complicated quickly, stay with me. (I am hearing online bibles as well as some of the Apocrypha, ancient books, writings have been meddled with or disappeared. Be mindful of that as you explore this topic). What happened in the 1800's? With regards to history and the world we are living in. I find this book quite fitting. George Orwell book, 1984. Check out this quick read:

Shifting gears again. Some of you may remember or still have the gigantic coffee table bibles. Those were common at one time. They were early 1900's Catholic bibles, belonging to our great great grand parents? My guess, they were published in the 1920's, maybe 1930's. Anyway, they survived the removal of the Apocrypha books. Yet, the same period protestant bibles did not. The Catholic bibles contained the Apocrypha that was removed out of every other Bible. I often wonder why that is. Some will say its because the Catholic religion is false, so their bible is too. Do not be so quick to adopt that narrative. I remember reading that bible as a child. It was huge! Alot of their cannons did match the protestant bibles. At least, that one did. Its been a long time since I saw it. So, please do not think I am in agreement with all of its contents. I left Catholicism as a young adult.

With that said if you will notice some of the Apocrypha is being revisited by average people and scholars alike. They are testing them against the 66 book cannons and not finding much in the way of flaws with some of them.

Now these lost books are resurfacing, for good reason, as it was prophesied by Daniel.

AMP Dan 11:4

But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the scroll until the end of time. Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will [greatly] increase.”

I like how this one reads too:


But as for you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal up the book

(did it used to say books?) until the end of time; many will roam about, and knowledge will increase.”

Were these any of these books part of that instruction? Here is a Wikipedia read one may find interesting. (keep in mind Wikipedia has a tyrannical slant. I.e., they don't like it, it gets deleted. And anyone can add to it)

The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden - Wikipedia

Any thoughts on that Wikipedia info?

Was GOD talking about the other books? Yet the "experts" all say the apocrypha is not accurate or its false. Look into who partook in the removal of these books. Who were they, what kind of people were they? Research them. Maybe then one will not be so inclined to believe the stories being told about the apocrypha being all bad. But, I caution you as well. As I have already mentioned, censorship as well as digital copies are changing out there. If you want something, get it in print, the older the better? Your test... It needs to line up with the scriptures and or documented history.

One more comment for the a word search in your Bible apps like this. "the book of " look at what pops up....where did those books go?

Now onto, did you know this tidbit?

The origin of abortion.


R.H. Charles version


12. And the fifth was named Kâsdejâ: this is he who showed the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away, and [the smitings of the soul] the bites of the serpent, and the smitings which befall through the noontide heat, the son of the serpent named Tabââ‘ĕt.

I could make this into a huge study and discuss the why behind it. But, in the interest if time, the Spirit behind this "agenda" is evil. It accomplishes many objectives.

The one that stands out is demon food as listed below:

  1. Blood sacrifice

  2. Guilt

  3. Shame

  4. Anger

  5. Division,

  6. Murder,

  7. Hatred of God and his creation etc.

  8. Selling the body for various evil purposes.

  9. Depopulation- 70 million, plus their children and children's children? African Americans being targeted more than any other race. Was Margaret Sanger and her family racists? Get it?!

If you had an abortion, partook in one, this is not an attack on you. Not one act here on earth will GOD not forgive. (minus blasphemy, which is the denial of the Holy spirit, that is between you and GOD to work out).

Ask for forgiveness for your participation, your fear and lack of faith. HE will forgive you. Ask him to take your remorse and guilt. Know you have a beautiful baby waiting for you. If you are pregnant and thinking about this, please reconsider. If you give your life to JESUS fully, HE will certainly provide a way. Children are HIS heart and soul. This is an agenda to do horrible things not only to you, but that baby growing inside of you. All of it has been in the news. Planned parenthood selling body parts, etc. Was all true and disgusting. The whistle blowers are the ones sitting in jail!

Abortion is a blood sacrifice to lucifer. The fallen angels, lucifers angels taught this because the innocent is the heart of GOD. This is an evil way to hurt HIS heart. It must go on because humanity has choice, freewill. Lucifer has taken advantage of this gift to humanity. This is why its pushed amoung many other reasons not mentioned.

Our society, (in the USA, especially) the doctors and the media have led people to believe abortion is a benign procedure.

The enemy has lulled the general population asleep by using words like women's health, womens rights or the right to choose in order to soften the act of murder. Who taught us abortion? Ever wonder where this notion came from In?

In Enoch 69:12? This was taught by the angels which fell with Lucifer. ( you could make this a huge study)

Consider this along with the 10 commandments. Thou shalt not kill is throughout the bible.

Enoch shows you how humanity learned it.. Why do you think the 10 commandments have been removed from public places?

Exodus 20:13:

13 Thou shalt not kill.

If they could eliminate the Old Testament and the book of revelation, they would, and I'm sure in a 100 years if we are still here they will. Many preachers today not only ignore it, but state it is irrelevant. Andy Stanley being one of them. They want to get rid of anything that goes against today's evil agenda and the future agenda.

On to the point of this. The fallen angels taught us abortion.  Our future is also spoken in Enoch. This book also validates Jesus, Genesis 6 and the giants......just a few reasons why I have concluded Enoch is demonized and removed from churches and the bible. 

Hoping you all find this interesting.

There us alot to think about. Hopefully you learned something new and useful.

Remember, Jesus loves you so much. HE is just a whisper away. I know things get hard, even disheartening. Remember you are here to serve a purpose in GOD'S kingdom, at this time in history. Finish strong.

God bless you,


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Scott Hansen
Scott Hansen
Jan 30, 2024

If my memory serves me correctly. I believe that Wescott and Hort had a hand in removing the Apocrypha from our modern day bible. What few know is that both men were unitarians. It wan't until the last 1800's that the apocrypha was removed, which poses the question... was the bible correct before the books were removed, or after? Numbers are very significant in the kingdom of darkness. Especially the number 33 (which is half of 66). I'm reminded of the Book of 2 Esdras chapter 14:23-48. Ezra was commissioned to write down the scriptures that had been lost during the destruction of Jerusalem. Here's an exert:

23 He answered me and said, “Go and gather the people, and tell them not to seek…

Jan 30, 2024
Replying to

Thank you Scott! I made a few grammar corrections. It needed one more review, lol. This is why Esdras was also removed. More books. That is why I suggested people do a search in the bible apps....the book of. I found that by accident. Since I found it, several months ago.....when I did that again, only 25 out of 300+ popped up. I'm sure someone with e-sword could do it on their pc.

Thank you for your addition comments, it definitely brings more insight into the post.

God Bless you,


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