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Blog-Did HE bring you this far to drop you on your head?

Hello everyone,

I have had this thought rolling around in my head since 2000. Hopefully it will bless you too.

I had a very bad experience when I was 18 on a jet.The plane almost went down in San Francisco Bay, California. And after that I had an awful fear of flying.

Of course I got a job that required me to fly back in 2020, that was fun, NOT!!!. I told my boss I was terrified (where was my faith?) and why I did not fly.  She said well you have to come at least once every quarter.  I was new to her, I could not say no...So I said my prayers got on the plane.  As we were locking down the plane, trays up, etc....into  Houston Texas, The plane probably dropped about 500' everyone screamed on the plane.  (so, I knew that wasn't normal!!!)  I grabbed the seat in front of me. That was the 1st time I had flown Since that event over the San Francisco Bay.  I was so grateful when we landed.

You see the first time it happened I thought I was saved.  I was Catholic and we didn't go to church or read the bible, but we believed we were saved if that makes sense. Later in life I learned that that was not the truth and that I had to accept Jesus as my Lord and savior and live according to his will and way. So when I got on that plane back in 2020, I was following Jesus.  Anyway that was the first flight.  I took of many trips to Houston and I actually got to the point where I enjoyed it.  Every time I flew to Houston or had to fly out of Phoenix.... flying out of those 2 places, the turbulence is just outrageous most of the time, at least that was my experience. It felt like the plane was going to fall apart.  I will tell you, turbulence like that will bring the Jesus out in anybody!!!

I kept thinking would God really end my life at this point with all this other stuff going on in my life? Is this really the end? I used to think this when the planes felt like they were going to fall out of the sky. Those were my thoughts. And then one day he said I did not bring you all this way to drop you on your head. That message has stuck with me since 2000. 

Overcoming that fear, that day when HE spoke that message was preparing me for the death of my dad, my husband, my grandfather, and my Uncle.  Rough years.

Every time I get in a situation, that is scary that has nothing to do with being endangered, just emotional or  something going on with family, whatever. He always brings that thought to my mind I did not bring you this far to drop you on your head.

So, remember, whatever you're going through, however how badly it hurts, HE did not bring you all this way to abandon you. And I know many times we may feel like we are alone and abandoned, but, we are not.

Remember Jesus said his own words:

NKJV John 14:27

. 27 "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 

God had to get that out of me address that fear so that I could be free of it.

That is a testimony!!!

Once I was free of that fear of flying I actually love it now, although I do get airsick. (With all the new restrictions, its been a few years)...But my point is I flew to Hawaii many times after that as well as Texas. So it opened up the door to travel without fear.

HE did not bring you this far to drop you on your head.

That is the God we serve. Have a blessed day.

Warning from above


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