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BLOG - Encouragement, fear and a word of knowledge for someone.

Writer's picture: warningfromabovewarningfromabove

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

August 8th 2021

Warning from above- Roxanne


Encouragement, fear and a Word of knowledge for someone.

A few nights ago, I happened to watch a show called Mediterranean Life. It show-cased the beauty of Greece. Then, I watched an update pertaining to the fires here in California and surprisingly Greece. I was so grieved after watching the videos. So grieved!!!

If you are keeping up on the worldwide events of Flooding, 40+ Volcanoes erupting, Fires, Earthquakes, Cyclones, Hurricanes,Tornados and homes demolished, you will notice everything is being destroyed. Have you thought about the farms? The farmers who provide our food? Realistically, with all of the supply chain disruptions, what, if any chance will these people have to recover? How will they rebuild?

Our neighborhood escaped a fire by the grace of God a few weeks ago. The wind happened to be blowing the other way. Nevertheless, no structures were taken. I believe because we prayed warfare prayers. One of our friends (brother in Christ) told my husband God saved his house. (his should have burned to the ground along with our unsaved friend's house below him). They were above the ignition point....Sometimes God in his mercy will give a shot over the bow. Meaning, a warning shot. Praise him for doing that!!! We all woke up the next morning feeling such deep deep gratitude. Wow!

If calamity is not hitting close to your homes, it will. God says it will. With that said, witness the movement of God's hand. It is a beautiful thing to watch him preserve his own or kind enough to give a warning shot over the bow. Do not forget to give him the glory.

Anyway, After all that, I put my Bible sleep app on. As I was dozing off, a lady was reading psalms 91. The Lord brought this passage to my attention once again, which is the point of all this.

V1. He that dwelleth in The Secret place of the most high shall abide under the shelter of the Almighty. (This means I can sleep in peace. I do not have to go to bed in fear every night. This applies to anyone serving God, obeying and living a holy life before him. I have heard some of my brethern share the fact that angels were guarding their homes, huge angels.. We need to learn to trust that for ourselves. This does not mean we do not keep our heads on a swivel in these last days. But, know that we can rest with him watching over us.

This is the purpose of that boring, complicated book. It is to show us his loving heart. To guide us to righteous living. To show the impossible come to fruition of his word. To mirror his word in our lives. Psalms 91 is you, however, this does not cover willful habitual sinning. This only pertains to those living for God Righteously, with an occasional slip or an entrapment of the old man. V2. I will say to the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress: My God; in him I will trust. This scripture reminded me of the discussions we had as a family earlier in the week. We will ignore warnings from our own family, but, we will listen to the TV and trust what they have to say. When did their truth become the final word? Who made this up? There is no such thing as their truth, only the truth. We will see the truth with our own eyes, but, deny it because they say it is fake news. We can read the Bible and see today's event events mirroring Matthew 24 along with tons of other scriptures.. Yet, we choose to believe everyone else but the word of God and our own families. Why is it so hard to believe the truth when it's presented to you by God or your own family? Why is it so hard to be a good human being? They choose to believe strangers, people that they don't know over family who loves you, over God who loves you more than your family. This is the shared frustration of those who know the truth and the heart of God.

AMP 2 Thessalonians 2:10 and by unlimited seduction to evil and with all the deception of wickedness for those who are perishing, because they did not welcome the love of the truth [of the gospel] so as to be saved [they were spiritually blind, and rejected the truth that would have saved them].

How many times has God called you? Only you can answer that. V3. Surely he will deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler, and from the noisome pestilence..V.5 thou-shalt-not be afraid for the terror by night it's; nor the arrow that flies by day.

If you still do not believe he will protect you, here is a cross-reference scripture that backs this up. AMP Psalms 37:34 Wait for and expect the LORD and keep His way, And He will exalt you to inherit the land; [In the end] when the wicked are cut off, you will see it. Ps91:8 V8 this stuck to me as though I was a chick peeking from under the wings of a hen. God allowed me to experience this on our small ranch last summer. We had some chicks. They peek out from under the hen with their nose and eyes, just like V.8. It was a beautiful illustration of our protection and this passage, psalms 91. V.8 Only with thine eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most high habitation. The cross reference scripture Psalm 71:3 Be to me a rock of refuge and a sheltering stronghold to which I may continually come; You have given the commandment to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress.Proverbs 12:21 No harm befalls the righteous, But the wicked are filled with trouble.There is no fear in the Lord..yet so many brethern are.

Please ask God to grace you with courage. Then, you rebuke and bind the spirit of fear. Send it packing, including its seeds and scraps.

Shifting gears....Does it feel like someone socked you in the gut with each home lost? Those who are God's people feel compassion and loss along with those that have lost their homes.. But, we also know we answered God's call. We did not blow it off and say later. When I'm old or older. When I get my life cleaned up etc. This destruction is not ending. It is going to feel like you are in a vice. God says not one stitch of the USA WILL NOT feel his judgments. That was a previous prophecy I gave, I don't know when, over a year ago. I believe that to be true worldwide. To those in the Ark, we pray for the lost. We pray for the lost every day. We pray they are not angry at God. We collectively made this mess, the difference is that we all answered the call.

Choose life, choose Jesus. You are worthy of his love. We all deserve death, but, he took the cross so we would not die. The least we can do is accept that sacrifice. That gift of life. Don't you want to spend eternity with him and with all you love?

Word of knowledge - Someone out there there says they are going to tough it out and choose hell because of some bravery challenge. Do not do that. It is a lie from the enemy to steal your soul. A lie!!! Allow Jesus to love you back to holiness and restoration. Say you are sorry.

Welcome home!

(Because I know you will.)

One final thought - This is a war for humanity. We have a choice. Are we willing to go into bondage as the Israelites did? Or do we as a church stand on the word of God and walk in more power than any devil on this Earth? We are dealing with luciferian devils that hate us. They take pleasure in destroying us. Their ultimate pleasure is to watch us exercise our free will AND willingly choose the path of our own destruction. Do not make a choice out of fear. Take this time remaining. Realizing the only one who is trapping you is you. Get on your knees and seek God. Your spiritual consequences are coming to fruition.

What to do?


Most of us have heard of God or seen God's miracles. Possibly been exposed to His word (bible) or a true follower of Jesus. We made the decision, either rejecting Jesus/ God or we accepted Jesus/God. Our actions were intentional. Not now, later, not ready etc...We are accountable for that decision.

Then come the blessings or the consequences for not making the right choice. Most have not. This is why we are all suffering. God is trying to get our attention.

One final note, fear is the enemy's food. This is why he is creating so much chaos in the world right now. The demons are literally feeding off the fear (negative emotions) of the people that are partaking in the spin doctor lies out there on the Internet. This is why it is so important to have discernment. We have a magnetic/electronic frequency that goes out to the universe. We are electronic beings. In fact we each have our own song, frequency which is tied to our DNA. Please do not ask me where I found this, it was years ago and I do not remember who it was. But, if you diligently research, I am sure you can find it for yourself. This is why the devil wants to electronically hook himself into us, we call that transhumanism. He wants to be God, all-seeing all-knowing. He never will be, but, that does not mean he is not going to try.

With all the chaos going on, there are many people that are living in fear and it's feeding the enemy. Just remember you do not want to feed the enemy. Do not partake. Get your fear under the blood of Jesus. Keep your eyes on Jesus, no matter what comes to you. May I encourage you to read the passage of Stephen when he was stoned. He felt no pain God took him before his body died. Study these circumstances. Trust him to do that for you if you end up in that situation. I know it's hard, these are hard hard words, but, we have to trust him during this time. This is his word being fulfilled, we are just passing through. We are here to serve the king at his pleasure.

Trust that God has a plan for you, that he loves you and he will never put you through more than you can handle.. Trust him. May you get this inside your spirit so you too can be like Stephen.

May God bless you.


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Aug 17, 2021

Yes, excellent comments to ponder as well.


Aug 16, 2021

The part of the enemy feeding on fear reminded me of this parable in a dream I read yesterday: The enemy… your enemy… prowls like a hungry lion seeking whom he may devour. He roars and calls out to you from his position, traversing back and forth. Do you then turn to him and toss him a biscuit? Does he not then think to himself ‘I am now even more hungry and need meat’? He then looks at you with hungry eyes and thinks ‘I am a lion and a biscuit will not do’! Source: The enemy feeds on our fear, and the moment we show some fear, we make him hungrier for more. In this hour we truly need to stand strong…

Aug 17, 2021
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Thank you very much. They have been much harder lately. I have a new one coming that is also a hard word. May God bless you and keep you.

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