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Blog-This is why......

Writer's picture: warningfromabovewarningfromabove

If we have a problem, we need to find the cause in order to fix the problem, correct?

Many are still very superficial in their walks. Go to church, get a 🎖. Read my daily devotion, get a🎖. Pray, get a 🎖. Do a good deed, get a🎖. We must leave this mental rewards system. This is why the Holy Spirit is trying to reach so many. It is not about monetary rewards, it is about relationship, with God. Greater than any fleshly relationship on earth. He is supposed to be first.

We all fly our country's flags so proudly. We stand on the constitutions, we sing our national anthems and think if only people would obey the laws of our country, we would have our own utopian world, all would be well.

Many have paid the ultimate price and died for our countries. We have chosen to sacrifice our own happiness as our significant other leaves for months at a time. Many are forced to sacrifice their happiness as their parents go off for months at a time. They all say they are protecting us from some monster on the other side of the world.

We have all fallen for this narrative, frankly, many still are in it. Hopeful some man will step up and save us from ourselves. Is that the Anti- Christ? The one who will appear perfect in the eyes of humanity? Have all the answers? Sweep up the broken hearted?

This is why the Holy Spirit must be activated in each of us...

Out of the 140+ posted messages....The resounding message...put on your full armor of God, Eph 6-10-20. Walk in the same power Jesus did.. Sup with me awhile, sit at my feet all you Marthas...Develop your intimacy with me, hear my voice, learn my word.

Do you see it yet?

This is why we warfare pray-

This is why we pray offensively DAILY-

This is why Jesus must always be first because some day, God forbid anyone reading this has to do this, "They enemy has a gun to your child's head and says take the Mark or they die." A good parent will take the mark. But, you create the ultimate sin by doing so. Do you not think God is not with you in that moment? You are not to love anything more than him. ANYTHING!

A follower of Christ will whisper.....this will only be a minute, see you in Glory on the other side. The only way this will work is to tell them before this happens. You tell them you love them, you tell them why it has to be...Matthew 10:37

NIV “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." You as parents love them the most. Do you love them enough to bring them to Jesus on the other side? That is LOVE. That is sacrifice, honor and obedience.

Satan plays for keeps. We must learn to spiritually be above the flesh. The flesh is going to die. It is destined to die. How we die is in God's hands. Just remember he will be there, he will give you the strength and grace to go through death. (Hebrews 9:27) says, NKJV 28. And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment," We will not be condemned for sin because we are forgiven and made righteous in Jesus. When He comes again, it will not be for judging the sin of those who have been redeemed (Hebrews 9:28). NKJV. 28. so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

This is why life is not fair in the flesh.

This is why humanity is so deceived. We think we can solve our problems without God, intentionally and unintentially. Many of our brothers and sisters blindly follow the church leaders, the crowd on MSM news. They are too self absorbed with their own lives. They get brainwashed to think like the masses. Its an easy trap.

Do you want to see the head of the snake? Watch this short Video with David Heavener and Russ Dizdar. This is what we each need to be prepared to battle.

This is why:

Timothy 4:1-2 The Great Apostasy 1Now the Spirit [a]expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,

Do not stay in this trap, do not fall in this trap.

May the the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ protect you and yours in the coming days.

Knowledge is power. There is no fear in knowledge or power. We ultimately recieve those gifts from God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Take each nugget, put it in your pocket. In time, it will make sense and you will have great understanding.


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