This article is not to shake your faith in Jesus, but, it is meant to shake you and your faith in man and the church he has created. Religion is man's ideas about what Gods wants, sometimes.
Welcome back!!! I know I shared this scripture earlier. In order to point out this mystery, here it is again. The devil wants to keep everything hidden. John 14:12 12. I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father. These are secrets the devil wants NO followers of Jesus to know. These are the game changers!!! One cannot pick and choose which scriptures to use to their own convenience and beliefs, yet that is the food the churches feed the flock. This revelation is exciting, right?! Who needs super heroes when Jesus resides inside us? Even the Pagan (broad brush term/statement) witches know this. In fact, if they were to surrender to Jesus, not only would they have more power than anything Satan could throw at them, they would walk in more power than 90% of the Christians today. Why? They believe! They get it, they practice it and they know there is a spiritual realm, they know this is not to be lived passively, diligent study brings results they did not have on their own, they know the spiritual realm is real!!!
Most Christians do not believe. They live their christian lives passively. Unbelief will cost you your soul. This should scare you. Lets stop this for a minute and think about a few things. What would happen if you approached your walk with God the way the Pagan witches did with Satan or their other idols? Did you know the first thing witches are taught is how to walk in the gifts of Satan? Activation!!! (Remember Satan copies God, he does not have is own game.)
The church does such a disservice to their congregants or maybe it is done purposefully? The church fails new believers MISERABLY because Satan has captured them, most of them. A true to Jesus church teaches new believers how to PRAY AND WALK in the Gifts of Jesus. They teach their converts how to fight in the spiritual realm, warfare prayer, discernment, get them spirit filled, delivered from demons, healing, miracles, diligent bible studies and much much more. This keeps them hungry, engaged and saved after the sinners prayer. This is a rare find these days. These people, handful of remaining churches are labeled by the devil as Jesus freaks, bible thumpers, holy rollers, extremists and so on.... Folks, this is not for the faint of heart. But, neither is hell. This walk is for those who love adventure, want to live outside themselves, love God/Jesus more than anything else and also to be obedient to a higher calling. God's calling. Why would anyone refuse to sign up for this mission? One's very own fast paced drama or Hollywood production. (Who needs TV?) This is your purpose!!! Do you see it? This is why the devil lies, causes fear, lack of faith, lack of money, look at those boring church people, they tell you what to do etc. Did we just not witness the Devil telling the church what to do in California?! Do you get it now? Who is really giving dictates on a daily basis here? Remember free will? God gives it, Satan takes it! Do not be deceived. GNT phillipians 3:1-3 1In conclusion, my friends, be joyful in your union with the Lord. I don't mind repeating what I have written before, and you will be safer if I do so. 2Watch out for those who do evil things, those dogs, those who insist on cutting the body. 3 It is we, not they, who have received the true circumcision, for we worship God by means of his Spirit and rejoice in our life in union with Christ Jesus.
Is this not us??? Think about your day today or yesterday???Then read this....GNT Galatians 5:19-21 19 What human nature does is quite plain. It shows itself in immoral, filthy, and indecent actions; 20 in worship of idols (cell phones, porn facebook, your child or you fill in the blanks) and witchcraft (As simple as cursing one with your own words...much power comes from words alone, check this out, one of many experiments: Watch "THE IMPOSSIBLE RICE EXPERIMENT" on YouTube V20
Continued: People become enemies and they fight; they become jealous, angry, and ambitious. They separate into parties and groups; 21 they are envious, get drunk, have orgies, and do other things like these. I warn you now as I have before: those who do these things will not possess the Kingdom of God." (There is no sin or evil in heaven.)
God certainly does not change his rules, so it must be man guided by Satan who changes the rules. This is why he works overtime to decieve you, keep you busy, stress you out, keep you overworked and exhausted with extra curicular activities. Remember, you sleep, the devil does not. While you are sleeping he is plotting and scheming to do everything he can to destroy you, your eternity and everything you love. He knows you better than anyone else except for Jesus and the father. He hates your guts! Therefore, never, ever let your guard down. Pray offensively to avoid the constant prayer of defense. I would highly recommend these resouces for further reading and firehose drinking growth: Power prayers, book by Carla Butaud and Sheila Zillinsky, changed my prayer life!!! Remember as you learn, add to those prayers. Flat out got me off the pew straight to h*** and changed my life completely!!! Thank you Johnny!
Lake hamilton bible camp, Tons of free resources and excellent old school teaching:,
Bride ministries, Get the demons out your life tons of free prayers out there on his website.
Ivory Hopkins: incredible teacher, greater understanding of the spiritual realm. He makes it real!!!
Ruth and Anthony Flowers: amazing relationship advice using the word of God.
The biggest excuse I hear people say these days is that they don't have time. So why is it that some of us can study and some of us cannot? One may need to get creative in how to do this. One of the easiest ways to do this is to stream either audio books or audio Podcasts as you commute, do your chores or instead of TV or games. Get creative, time is short and the Internet's not going to be around forever. Look at all the censoring done on Google searches, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Remember we all have the same 24 hours. (It is about how you use it.)
Part 6 is not to be missed We talk about money.