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The new normal

Writer: warningfromabovewarningfromabove

Updated: Jul 3, 2021

Message received June 30th, 2021

Warning from above - Roxanne


Message link:

My people perish for lack of knowledge. Awaken my children. Shake and Bake - that is what is coming to parts of the USA. Shake and Bake - maybe then you will all believe and know that I am God.

This is a new normal - So many of you want to stay in your sins. You love them more than me. So be it. I will show you who is who. As I remove my hand, you will see the true evil of your enemy and mine.

My purpose and plans are mine alone. My ways will never be your ways. It is impossible for you, humanity, to begin to understand. This is why I left you my word, raised up faithful ones to serve you, so you would raise up and serve the unfaithful.

My word is my bond children. I cannot go against my laws or my word to make a special accommodation for anyone not receiving my son as Lord and saviour.

Can you share the good news? Can you share the gospel simply and succinctly? This should come automatically without a Bible or a phone in your hand. As times will be coming where there are no phones and bibles will become illegal. I have written my word and laws on your hearts. All you have to do is activate that. Accept my son as your Lord and savior, pray and study my word. The rest comes as my spirit rests upon you and directs your paths.

My children, the enemy has by a short time. He wishes to sift you. If you feel like you are being sifted, look up and ask me if I have allowed this for your own good and my glory. Ask. I control everything, even the enemy.

The fight to the end is not an easy one. This is why you are constantly reminded to endure to the end. Are you serious about me? Are you serious about your own soul and where you wish to spend eternity? Have you stopped to think as to why you do what you do? Will you be another esau? (Who sold his birthright to satisfy his flesh). This is why you need to be all in or all out. I spew the luke warm from my mouth. Your time here on Earth is so short. You are almost there. The signs are all around you. If you read my word, you would see that.

WFA NOTE: He wants me to point out the bible is on MP3/Cd's up to 90 hours for the bible to be listened to. How to learn. Wear a headset and stream with your cellphone as you go about your day. Minimize TV to bedtime just to wind down. Here are some open time opportunities to learn.

1. Getting in ready for work or leave the house.

2. Driving somewhere-Comutting to work, Dr. Appts or errands.

3. Chores around the house.

4. Trade TV time for bible time.

5. Going to sleep.

6. Waking up.

It is about choices. Will the news or stock market report save your soul?

He also wants me to tell you we have only had the bible in mass print, affordable, from what I found, for anyone since the 16th or 17th century.

MESSAGE CONTINUED- This generation will be judged the harshest. You have my word yet you sat and wasted years listening to charlatans and philosophers pretending to teach my word. If you read it you would have walked out the first time you heard them.

90 hours of your time, once through. How many years have I given you? No excuses!

Do you understand the reality you live in? You have everything at your fingertips, yet, you deny me. In fact, the men in days of old searched out the very mysteries I have allowed for this generation, (last one), to see.

Why marvel at the enemy? Why marvel at the daily spectacles? Read my word. Learn it. Spend time at my feet. Daily! Know me. It is the only way to survive what is coming for most.

To those who will Be taken in an instant. If you are not walking with me, repent. As you could fall asleep in your bed and be shaken awake into eternity with no more restitution. No accommodation.

I love you so much, I wish you would just sit with me. Allow me to love you for a moment. Allow my spirit to cover you and comfort you. Just a moment.

Meet me, walk away from your life of sin. Trade it for a Crown of life.

Start to day - Leave regret behind.

Given with the message:

Proverbs 8:10-11

10Receive my instruction, and not silver, And knowledge rather than choice gold; 11For wisdom is better than rubies, And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.

ACTS 2:38-42

38Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the [k]remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”40And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this [l]perverse generation.”

Galatians 3:1-5

1O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? 2This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? 4Have you suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain?5Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?—

2nd kings 2:18-22

18And when they came back to him, for he had stayed in Jericho, he said to them, “Did I not say to you, ‘Do not go’?”19Then the men of the city said to Elisha, “Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren.”20And he said, “Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.” So they brought it to him. 21Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.’ ” 22So the water remains healed to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke.

1st Peter 2:12-15

12having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation.13Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, 14or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. 15For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men—

Proverbs 1:21-29

21She cries out in the chief concourses,At the openings of the gates in the city She speaks her words:

22“How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, And fools hate knowledge. 23Turn at my rebuke; Surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. 24Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded, 25Because you disdained all my counsel, And would have none of my rebuke, 26I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes, 27When your terror comes like a storm, And your destruction comes like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you.28“Then they will call on me, but I will not answer;They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me.29Because they hated knowledgeAnd did not choose the fear of the Lord,

Genesis 25:29-34

29Now Jacob cooked a stew; and Esau came in from the field, and he was weary. 30And Esau said to Jacob, “Please feed me with that same red stew, for I am weary.” Therefore his name was called Edom.31But Jacob said, “Sell me your birthright as of this day.”32And Esau said, “Look, I am about to die; so what is this birthright to me?” 33Then Jacob said, “Swear to me as of this day.”So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. 34And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised his birthright.




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