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BLOG-Then and Now

Writer's picture: warningfromabovewarningfromabove


Warning from above, Roxanne May 31st 20com/warnin

Website: Greetings to you in the name of our blessed Savior, Jesus. I wrote this under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This is not a prophetic word. This was given through notes, thoughts and possibly finding answers to your temporal struggles. It was initially going to pair with a word I will be publishing, then, it turned into something too large. (to pair with the word coming, Saved?) The Lord wants me to share with you a few parallels between the Exodus and how our lives mirror the Exodus led by Moses. This is by no means complete. This is a very high level in hopes it will stir your curiosity to study further and apply it to your own walk .He wants you to get to know him better by studying this for yourselves. He wants me to tell you the Bible is not boring. In fact, the more you learn, the more you will fall in love with him. You will begin to see his true heart for you and humanity. Finally, you will get some questions answered. These are the times he shares his heart with you. This message is called: Then and Now BONDAGE/SLAVERY THEN 1. Israel left God for Idols. God removed his blessing/hand and allowed the Israelites to become enslaved by the Egyptians. NOW: We have forsaken the ways of God. Our generation is in bondage to sin/idols. Our churches are in bondage to our world wide governments. The church has invited the governments to control them in exchange for tax exemptions they always had AND to stand silent while laws were passed in direct disobedience to God. They have also been infiltrated by the enemy, polluting God's word and passing off false doctrine. The Lord calls this leaven. RESCUE MISSION: THEN 2. Because of their sin, God allowed the Israelites to go into Bondage for 400 years. The Egyptian oppression became so unbearable, the Israelites started seeking God diligently. God heard the cries of repentance coming from the Israelites and rescued them from Egypt through a series of plagues and miracles. NOW: Most of the modern church is asleep. The judgments are our rescue mission. They are meant to awaken the church. However, there have been very few cries of repentance from the modern church as the worldwide judgements have hit. One after another. The bible reads like a newspaper. Ask the holy spirit to open up your understanding, then, Read: Mathew chapters 24 & 25, Revelation 6:1-17 then read: Hosea 4:3 KJV Zephaniah 1:2-3 The Lord hears the prayers of his people and reacts accordingly. Bible prophecy will not change as it is written. But, he will show mercy, delay or relent judgments he has warned about, sometimes. An example of this is in the old Testament. God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. He was angry with all that went on there. Abraham successfully prayed and negotiated the salvation of Lot's family. Prayer works!!! His word must be fulfilled before he returns. Right now, God is (removing blessings) we all took for granted such as peace, security, freedom, our homes, health and privacy. He will also take modern conveniences such as electricity, propane or Gas. This is why those who are out there reading godly prophecies are expected to be as spiritually and physically prepared to the best of their abilities, not caught flat footed. God will do the rest. Remember, your preparations may not even be for you or your family. Do it unto the Lord, make those sacrifices now. If you do nothing because you want worldly things, he will not allow you to burden others. Most of the church is blinded and hardened by their pet sins and think they do not need to repent because of erroneous teaching. They also choose not to learn the truth because they have no desire to read God's word. They will account for the time given to them on this earth. This is on them, no excuses!!! 2 Thessalonians 2:10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. This also exposes the unscriptural sinner's prayer, once saved, always saved doctrine. Hebrews 10:26-31 confirms we have been lied to. NKJV 26For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice (Jesus died once) for sins, 27but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. 28Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? 30For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The Lord will judge His people.” 31It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. This should scare anyone who is saved and continues to live in sin AND CLAIMS TO BE A CHRISTIAN. Do you think we can trample on the same thing we proclaim to protect us, the blood of Jesus? NKJV1 Peter 4:18 states it clearly. Now “If the righteous one is scarcely saved, Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?” I am not here to shred your hope. I am here to warn you, put Godly sorrow and fear into your hearts. We all do this, some worse than others. We have to be truly sorry when we blow it. We definitely cannot live like the world 98% of our lives and act like a Christian in church 2% of the time. God will tell you he never knew you. CHANGE NOW!! keep reading.

WE ENTER THE WILDERNESS BECAUSE GOD LOVES US ENOUGH TO SHAKE EVERYTHING UNTIL IT SHAKES US. THIS IS THE PLACE REFINEMENT HAPPENS: THEN 3. God used the wilderness to refine the Israelites. It was an 11 day journey. Apparently seeing the miracle of the red sea parting was not enough for them so, God started the refinement process because of their complaining and unbelief. They even had a visible DAILY pillar of fire at night and pillar of cloud by day. We can all marvel at their lack of faith, but, how many would believe and serve God today (in spirit and in truth) if they saw all of this? How many of us have experienced God miracles and lost faith a week later? Moving on, it took them 40 years instead of 11 days. NOW: Today we have many idols (anything we put ahead of God). Family, relationships, children, jobs, (most people identify as to what their jobs are, they have children, not as a child of God, test it!), homes, cars, sports, hobbies, phones and all they contain, our flesh and the vanity that some take to maintain it and of course our pet sins etc. We also complain about our lives and blessings. We actually live our lives in expectation. We expect our temporal lifestyle actions to come through for us..Our spouse leaves for work and is home for dinner. We go to the grocery store. We expect the food to be on the shelves and our cars to get us home. Yet we live our spiritual lives in absolute unbelief. "Well everything I have done has failed, I guess I will have to pray....." How many times have we said that one? If we truly want God, we need to put him first, seek him with all our might through prayer, the word and fasting. We force our flesh to die daily. In other words, we cater to God, not ourselves. We typically start this in the wilderness. We know we enter it when we start losing things like our marriages, relationships with others, jobs, homes, our savings, health, cars etc....anything we loved or put before God. He created you, he is a jealous God. Everything you have is by his hand and blessing, everything!!! That is how we know. He was telling us all along....then he starts taking things until he has our attention. In the big scheme of things, isn't God good?! Would you rather know now or at the Judgement when it is too late? THE PROMISED LAND/CHOOSING LIFE WITH JESUS: THEN 4. The promised land. Choosing Life. Joshua and Caleb brought a good report. They knew God would be with them. The other spies brought a bad report. Joshua and Caleb, along with the children of the original Israelites, were the only ones who made it to the promised land. The rest were given over to themselves and died in the wilderness, including moses!!!. Hebrews 3:7-19, John 6:43-59. NOW: We can stop our spin cycle if we would only ask God for help through it. Repent, get rid of your sin of unbelief, choose life instead. Then he will restore you just like he did for those who made it to the promised land. Our promised land is heaven. It is extremely important to allow God to refine us now rather than later. Why? His judgments are going to come hard and fast. He has assigned each of us specific jobs to do in order to finish the harvest. If we fail, we will be stuck in his judgments, possibly wrath and fail our missions. I know his true followers are not subject to his wrath. Those who claim and not living in obedience are the ones I refer to. May this bless you and give you some insight to your own troubles. Choose life! Learn the beauty of the Old Testament and how it applies to our lives today. “The new is in the old concealed; the old is in the new revealed.” R.C. Sproul.


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Jun 01, 2021

Thanks for the message... Did you just quote RC Sproul or did that come from the Lord? That made me curious since he is a cessationist.

Jun 02, 2021
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I like how you think.


May 31, 2021

Very interesting read. What strikes me about the old testament is God's patience and His pleading with his people to turn to Him.

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